when we gather, our light shines brighter

Come experience immersive retreats, yoga, breathwork and workshops for individuals, couples, and families.

See upcoming events

Upcoming events

The Light In Us Podcast

We launched a podcast about seeking light, truth, deeper spirituality and connection.


  • Yoga

    Vinyasa flow yoga with an emphasis on heart opening, connection, and restorative touch.

  • Breathwork

    Breathwork meditation helps create feelings of clarity, gratitude, love, and spiritual awareness.


  • Women's

    Restorative retreats designed to help heal, open hearts and minds, and more deeply connect with self and each other.

  • Men's

    Connect more deeply with yourself and God through reflection, meditation, writing, discussion, adventure, and defining your purpose.

  • Couples

    Super bond your family with the Ortons, understand sexuality and symbolism with Covingtons, define your values, principles, and purpose with the Allens, and more.

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We believe there is power in gathering.

Our collective faith combined with connected hearts and minds bring miracles and meaningful change.

Get in touch.