
Our purpose is to create spaces that increase light and truth in ourselves and others.

The light in us is the hub for curated experiences with the intent of increasing awareness, positive change, deeper spirituality, and strengthening our connections to ourselves, God, and each other.

We have felt our light increase through practices such as yoga, meditation, breathwork, meaningful gatherings and retreats, and our intention is to share those sacred spaces with any who desire to increase the light and truth in themselves and others.

Erin Allen

Devoted wife, mother of 5, certified yoga instructor, mindfulness and meditation practitioner and guide, and all-around amazing, lovely human. You’ll immediately feel of Erin’s genuine and profound spirit, loving kindness, healing presence, and pure heart. She teaches yoga, meditation, and hosts women’s retreats at Bridgehaven.

Michael Allen

Obsessed husband, father of 5, Michael’s career has been in branding and design, helping organizations define and express their values and purpose. He loves applying these principles to individuals and families.

Since leaving the corporate world, his focus has been on family, creating and hosting men’s retreats, breathwork, meditation, and learning more about mental and spiritual well-being.

Michael has also become a co-founder of the Heare Brotherhood, whose mission is to forge a global brotherhood of support and growth.

  • The light in me sees and honors the light in you

    an interpretation of the word “Namaste”

  • That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.

    D&C 50:24

  • I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

    John 8:12

  • ...when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.

    Micah 7:8

  • All the darkness in the world can't put out the light of one candle.
