Men’s Retreat


To create a space where we, brothers and sons of God, strive to: 

  • connect more deeply with ourselves and our Eternal Parents, 

  • experience meaningful changes of heart and mind, 

  • receive revelation, healing, and greater light, 

  • more clearly understand and define our identities and purpose.

We do this by seeking truth about ourselves and God through inspired words, meditation, outdoor activities, writing, and discussion.


Friday 7:30pm-10:30pm

Charcuterie board & mingling
Opening circle
Discussion and journaling
Spiritual meditation
Conclude around 10:30pm

Saturday 7:30am-4:30pm

Hike or yoga or tai chi
Breathwork session
Journaling and discussion
Lunch from Lola’s Street Kitchen
Identity and purpose workshop
Closing circle


625 Homestead Drive
Midway, Utah 84049

Conveniently located across the street from the Homestead and near the Zermatt Resort, the Bridgehaven home is a special place set apart for gathering, discovery, and connection. Enjoy the quaint property with original art, a geothermal pond, koi fish, ducks, and deer passing by.


What’s included

Refreshments Friday evening; breakfast, lunch, and snacks on Saturday.

Lodging at Bridgehaven: it’s cozy — sleeping arrangements include a private queen room, fold-out queen bed, and twin XL bed options (private and shared).

Saturday activities (varies based on season), breathwork session, identity & purpose workshop, closing circle.

Cost: see below; price may vary based on the Saturday activity.

  • This retreat is life changing. In less than 24 hours I came home with a clearer sense of my true identity and with a resolve to be so much better in all aspects of my life. An incredible experience for men to reconnect with God and each other. I will definitely be going back.


  • I am incredibly grateful I got to be a part of the men's retreat. I was completely blown away at the result. I not only came back with a group of men who are now brothers, but I reestablished a powerful connection with my Savior and my Heavenly Father. The principles I learned in this one weekend will serve me a lifetime.


  • Miracles happened. Souls were enriched. Mindsets changed. Hearts opened. Connecting with divine happened. May sound cryptic, but the point is that taking time to be quiet, to listen, to ponder and meditate and pray can do wonders for the soul.


  • The best way I can describe it is “holy ground.” We gathered together in vulnerability, trust, and love. I left wanting to be a better brother, husband, father, and son.


  • The retreat was an incredible opportunity to reconnect with God and myself. I felt refreshed and resolved to be a better man.


  • I've done various leadership and spiritual trainings, but this was different. I left embracing my role as father, business leader, and importantly, disciple of Christ. It was unlike anything I've been a part of or seen. It was transformative. I'm grateful I was a part of it, especially with the group that magically fell in place. It was meant to be.


  • It was one of the most incredible and spiritual experiences I have ever had.


  • A life-changing 24-hours... The experience was powerful in its ability to heal my heart and mind.


  • Wow, just wow! It was such an amazing spiritual experience. I am usually skeptical about things like this, but I opened my mind and heart, and I am so glad I did. This is a journey never to be forgotten and I will without a doubt be coming back.


  • What an amazing experience in an amazing location. I was introduced to things that brought so much insight and inspiration that I was not expecting. I can promise this will become a frequent event in my life. Thank you to my group for making this an unforgettable experience.


  • During the breathwork I experienced something that was deep, meaningful, and unique to me. It was in the moment of surrender that I felt comfort. This was a lesson to me to let God prevail in my life. I also felt an immense love and appreciation for my wife.


  • In the middle of a journey for peace, this retreat became a turning point and provided the clarity and rejuvenation I was looking for. Such an amazing experience with great company and an amazing environment!


  • This retreat provides a unique opportunity for personal introspection and reflection. Each person takes their own spiritual journey to the places where they are seeking enlightenment.


  • I’m so glad I went. Most guys are skeptical of retreats, but this gathering did not disappoint. It gave me space to reanchor myself in some important ideas. Highly recommend.


  • This retreat provided me a safe space to finally ponder and process some challenging events.


Next retreat: Sept 27-28, 2024

Cost: $295 for private queen bedroom.
$250 for shared twin XL room, pullout queen couch, or foldout mattress.

To reserve your spot, submit the form below and send payment via Venmo

On Religion & Spirituality

There is reference to Jesus Christ and his role as Healer and Savior at this retreat. It is an expansive view with reference to other faith traditions and inclusive of resources such as mindfulness, meditation, and mental wellness research and practices.

The primary facilitator is a practicing member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and does refer to its doctrines, sacred texts, and teachings, but this retreat is not exclusive only for church members.

Any questions? Send us an email, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.