Please join us for an evening of profound insight and self-discovery as we discuss and discover truth together in an organic question-and-answer format. Come with your questions, your burdens, your concerns, and experience for yourself the freedom that is available by facing these things head on. We will be in very capable and gentle hands.
About Tara:
Tara Washburn is a life coach and mentor, a massage and manual therapist, and member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She is the owner of Insight Life Coaching and Washburn Pain Relief in Manti, UT. She has a passion for understanding the human body and spirit and how deeply the two are connected. Through decades of research, cultivation of her spiritual gifts, and doctrinal study she is able to offer a unique perspective with wisdom that is incredibly healing to the whole being.
Cost: $20 per person; cash or pay with Venmo here.
Location: Bridgehaven. Reserve your spot here!